DeBacker, Teresa K.,White, Deborah.2013-08-162013-08-162006 the relationship between undergraduates' perception of their classroom environment, their adoption of achievement goals, their use of frames of reference and academic self-efficacy and self-concept. The study also looked at proposed models by Skaalvik and Skaalvik (2002) and Elliot and Thrash (2001) in order to investigate whether frames of reference represent a unique influence on academic self-concept distinct from the influence of achievement goals. Results reveal that frames of reference do account for a sizable enough variance in self-efficacy to suggest that the standard a student uses to evaluate his academic performance contributes uniquely to his academic, 83 leaves :Self-efficacy.Education, Educational Psychology.Academic achievement.Self-perception.College students Psychology.The relationship of classroom achievement goals, personal achievement goals, and frames of reference with academic self-concept.Thesis