Barnard, Alexandra A.Masly, J.P.Nadolski, Erica M.Vogele, Chayton2020-10-072020-10-072020-07-24Barnard, A., Masley, J.P., Nadolski, E., Vogele, C.(2020) Tiny Fruit Flies Answer Big Scientific Questions [MP4]. Retrieved from how evolutionary, genetic, and developmental processes give rise to the diversity of life is a major goal of biological research. Research in the Masly Lab focuses on understanding the mechanisms that generate biological diversity, and addresses two fundamentally important questions about the natural world: how do organisms diverge from each other in form, and how are these differences patterned by their genes? This video highlights ongoing research in the lab on these topics. 4.0 InternationalEvolutionGeneticsBiological DiversityFruit FlyMasly LabTiny Fruit Flies Answer Big Scientific QuestionsVideo