Sellers, IanMeleco, Anthony2016-06-272016-06-272016-05-13 thesis briefly presents the current energy production landscape and where photovoltaics stand relative to other technologies. The history of the field is introduced as well as current research - most notably third generation solar cell technologies and their potential to lead to higher efficiencies and lower cost compared to today’s dominant crystalline silicon technologies. Quantum dot intermediate band solar cells (QD IBSCs), in particular, are examined as well as experimental results of four InAs/GaAs¬.86Sb.14 QD IBSCs. InAs QDs have potential, but due to material quality of the main material system, show no evidence of an isolated intermediate band and quantum confinement, a necessary component of a workable IBSCsolar cellsintermediate band solar cellsquantum dot solar cellsIndium Arsenide/Gallium Arsenide Antimonide Quantum Dots and Their Applications in Intermediate Band Solar Cells