Russell W. Driver2016-01-142016-03-302016-01-142016-03-301980-10-01Driver, R. W. (1980). A Determination of the Relative Efficacy of Different Techniques for Employee Benefit Communication. Journal of Business Communication, 17(5), 23-37. doi: 10.1177/002194368001700503 study used 103 employees from a large electronics firm as subjects in examining relative efficacy of 3 methods of benefit communication. Use of ANOVA revealed significant differences in benefit knowledge between experimental and control groups at the posttests. There was little relation ship found between benefit knowledge and benefit satisfaction. Implica tions of these findings for practitioners and researchers are discussed.en-USA Determination of the Relative Efficacy of Different Techniques for Employee Benefit CommunicationResearch Article10.1177/002194368001700503false