Larry E. ToothakerDe Newman2016-01-142016-03-302016-01-142016-03-301994-09-21Toothaker, L. E., & Newman, D. (1994). Nonparametric Competitors to the Two-Way ANOVA. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 19(3), 237-273. doi: 10.3102/10769986019003237↵LARRY E. TOOTHAKER is David Ross Boyd Professor of Psychology at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019. He specializes in robustness of ANOVA, including repeated measures designs, multiple comparison procedures, and nonparametrics.en-UStwo-way designsANOVAnonparametric testsNonparametric Competitors to the Two-Way ANOVAResearch Article10.3102/10769986019003237false