Mahgerefteh, Massoud,2013-08-162013-08-161985 e('-)-He and e('-)-H(, 2) total electronically, elastic differential cross-sections have been determined from relative scattered electron angular distribution measurements in the energy range from 2 to 19 eV in e('-)-He; and 1-19 eV in e('-)-H(, 2) by comparison to absolute e('-)-He cross-section measurements. The s, p, and d phase shifts determined in work are roughly in agreement with various previous determinations. The total and momentum-transfer cross sections for e('-)-He, and integrated total cross-sections for e('-)-H(, 2) have been determined as well. In case of e('-)-He, the total and momentum transfer cross sections found in this work at 2 and 5 eV are in excellent agreement with the direct measurements of Golden and Bandel and of Crompton et al., respectively. For e('-)-H(, 2), absolute differences as large as 50% between the present results and some previous results have been found, although the agreement as to shape is quite good in many cases. The present results, for e('-)-H(, 2), are generally in excellent agreement with recent full rovibrational laboratory-frame close-coupling calculations.x, 150 leaves :Physics, Atomic.Physics, Molecular.Cross sections (Nuclear physics)Electron-atom collisions.Absolute elastic e -He and total electronically elastic e -H scattering cross-section measurements from 1-19 eV /Thesis