Christian, David D.Brown, Cian L.Portie-Bethke, Torey L.2024-07-032024-07-032019-01-31Christian, D. D., Brown, C. L., Portrie-Bethke, T. L. (2019). Group climate and development in adventure therapy: An exploratory study. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 44(1), 25-45. study explored the group developmental process of Adventure Therapy (AT) conducted with 9th grade students (n = 20). Researchers measured avoidance, conflict, and cohesion and compared results from this study to the development of traditional counseling groups. Results suggested that AT groups follow a similar developmental process as traditional group counseling as evidenced by a statistically significant increase in cohesion, an increase then decrease in conflict, and a decrease in avoidance. This study is a response to a previous call for research related to AT group development. Implications for counselors, AT training programs, and future research are discussed.Adolescenceadventure therapygroup climategroup developmenttime series designGroup Climate and Development in Adventure Therapy: An Exploratory StudyArticle