Heishman, AaronDaub, BryceMiller, RyanBrown, BradyFreitas, EduardoBemben, Michael G.2019-09-262019-09-262019-04-30Heishman, A., Daub, B., Miller, R., Brown, B., Freitas, E., & Bemben, M. (2019). Countermovement Jump Inter-Limb Asymmetries in Collegiate Basketball Players. Sports, 7(5), 103. doi: 10.3390/sports7050103https://hdl.handle.net/11244/321461The purpose of the present study was to establish the intrasession and intersession reliability of variables obtained from a force plate that was used to quantitate lower extremity inter-limb asymmetry during the bilateral countermovement jump (CMJ). Secondarily, a comparison was performed to determine the influence of the jump protocol CMJ with or without an arm swing (CMJ AS and CMJ NAS, respectively) on inter-limb asymmetries. Twenty-two collegiate basketball players performed three CMJ AS and three CMJ NAS on dual force platforms during two separate testing sessions. A majority of variables met the acceptable criterion of intersession and intrasession relative reliability (ICC > 0.700), while fewer than half met standards established for absolute reliability (CV < 10%). CMJ protocol appeared to influence asymmetries; Concentric Impulse-100 ms, Eccentric Braking Rate of Force Development, Eccentric Deceleration, and Force at Zero velocity were significantly di erent between jumping conditions (CMJAS versus CMJ NAS; p < 0.05). The present data establish the reliability and smallest worthwhile change of inter-limb asymmetries during the CMJ, while also identifying the influence of CMJ protocol on inter-limb asymmetries, which can be useful to practitioners and clinicians in order to e ectively monitor changes associated with performance, injury risk, and return-to-play strategies.Attribution 4.0 Internationalathlete monitoring, athlete performance, reliability, fatigue monitoring, bilateral countermovement jump, CMJ arm swing, CMJ without arm swingCountermovement Jump Inter-Limb Asymmetries in Collegiate Basketball PlayersArticle10.3390/sports7050103