Joan S. Klecan-Aker2016-01-142016-03-302016-01-142016-03-301993-06-01Klecan-Aker, J. S. (1993). A treatment programme for improving story-telling ability: a case study. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 9(2), 105-115. doi: 10.1177/026565909300900202 purpose of the present investigation was to measure the effects of a treatment programme on the story-telling ability of a second-grade language/learning-disabled male. Treatment was conducted twice a week for a period of 12 weeks. Results revealed an improvement in both the length and complexity of the subject's oral stories. These results are discussed relative to the role of language treatment on academic success.en-USA treatment programme for improving story-telling ability: a case studyResearch Article10.1177/026565909300900202false