2018-01-262018-01-262014-9FHWA-OK-14-07Oklahoma Department of Transportation State Planning and Research item number 2251https://hdl.handle.net/11244/54327Keeping Oklahoma's roadways, highways, and bridges in good condition is necessary to our state’s safety and to avoid expenditures in billions of dollars each year for road repairs and replacement. According to a study done by state of Oregon in 2009, heavy vehicles account for 79% (or $60 million) of annual expenditures required for roadway repaving. Likewise, they were also responsible for 66.8% (or $27 million) of pavement and shoulder reconstruction; 65.1% (or $145 million) of pavement and shoulder rehabilitations; and 61.5% (or $140 million) of pavement maintenance. To weigh traveling trucks, the state of Oklahoma has installed 20 permanent Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) sites. Expanding site coverage to include additional roadways and highways improves data accuracy; however, it requires significant roadside construction and costly infrastructure support. This report presents deployment results of a novel portable WIM system and compares captured data with that collected at a nearby permanent WIM system. Design, development, and road-installation details of the heavy-vehicle centric, portable WIM system are also provided. Outcomes demonstrate that the portable system maintains data quality but for short intervals and provides a viable alternative to permanent systems at merely 10 percent of the cost. The portable WIM system uses off-the-shelf components and commercially available WIM controllers. The WIM controller used was IRD iSINC Lite. The fabricated portable system could be promoted as an alternative WIM monitoring solution to permanent WIM systems and/or static scale stations, both of which are extremely expensive to install on highways. The portable WIM uses RoadTrax BL piezoelectric class-1 sensors, galvanized metal fixtures equipped with pocket tapes to house the sensors, and a trailer with cabinet to house WIM electronics, batteries, and REECE device for real-time monitoring. The system is solar powered with three 100-Watt panels, and it costs roughly $20,000.93 pages4,086,714 bytesapplication.pdfPORTABLE WEIGH-IN-MOTION FOR PAVEMENT DESIGN - PHASES 1 AND 2Technical ReportWeigh in motionWIMportable permanentpiezoelectric detectors