Hamilton, BrookeCollins, AdrianaDixon, ArthurHamilton, BrookeRodríguez, MoniqueMcCullogh, MorganScheller, Austin2016-11-152021-04-142016-11-152021-04-144/1/14https://hdl.handle.net/11244.46/1210Co-Winner for the Griswold Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Historical ScholarshipIn “Bad Neighbors: A Look into the Complex Relations within the Creek Nation through the Acorn Whistler Crisis of 1752,” Brooke Hamilton unveils a gripping mid-eighteenth century tale of intrigue and deception, in which an enduring property dispute almost ends in open hostilities between the Creek Indians and the Georgia government. The origins of the plot, hatched by the devious Bosomworth family to take greater control of the eastern trading path from Charleston to Creek country, tap deeply into disagreements between two neighboring tribes, the Cowetas and Cussetas, both striving to be the predominant clan among the Lower Creeks. Masterfully engaging current scholarship, Hamilton narrates how greed and tribal resentments precipitated the vicious sacrifice of an Upper Creek headman, Acorn Whistler. –Garret OlberdingBad Neighbors: A Look into the Complex Relations within the Creek Nation through the Acorn Whistler Crisis