Baughman, MelissaGerber, CaseyChism, Joshua2022-07-212022-07-212022-08-04 purpose of this study was to investigate the assessment practices and beliefs of collegiate choral directors. Specifically, I examined (a) the use and frequency of musical and non-musical assessment criteria, (b) their beliefs and attitudes toward assessment, and (c) their perception of their role in shaping the occupational identity of preservice music teachers. Collegiate choral directors from NASM-accredited institutions in the seven states of the SWACDA region were invited to participate in a researcher-designed survey. Data were collected from directors in Spring 2022 (N = 50). Results from this study indicated that non-musical criteria (specifically rehearsal attendance, rehearsal participation, rehearsal attitude/preparation, and performance attendance) were most commonly used by directors. Informal group verbal feedback and small group/sectional singing tests on choral repertoire were musical assessment methods used most frequently. Respondents reported high levels of assessment self-efficacy and generally valued assessment in the instructional process. On some level, respondents also recognized their role in the occupational identity development, and possible future assessment practices, of the preservice music teachers in their ensembles. Yet, they did not model assessment practices specifically with this in mind. Overall results from this study indicated a disconnect between self-reported assessment beliefs and actual assessment best practices. Implications for music teacher education programs, music teacher educators, and collegiate choral directors are discussed.Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalEducation, Music.Music AssessmentChoral MusicHigher Education Music AssessmentOccupational IdentityAn Investigation of Collegiate Choral Directors' Assessment Practices and Beliefs