Velazquez, MirelsieMontelongo, Natalia2016-05-172016-05-172016-05-13 the fastest growing population, Latinos students continue to be under served within public education. Their educational opportunities continue to be limited by many different yet interconnected factors that continue to impact student experiences. While simultaneously navigating school spaces and home life, Latino students continue to be impacted by complex racialized oppressions. As educators we must continue to create educational spaces, across K-16, to help students transition from their home and community to higher educational, but also help create a better pipeline to facilitate their success. At the University of Oklahoma the creation of the Latinos without Borders program was created for that very reason, to provide school students with the necessary tools to achieve academic success after graduation. Therefore, it is important to learn and understand the Latino/a history in the United States to make sense of the obstacles and challenges Latino/a faced and how they continue to face some of the toughest educational battles to achieve higher education. The history, countless court cases, and triumphs will help validate the importance of having programs like, LWB. LWB has helped open opportunities to students that were once pushed to believe that college was not for them and is a testament of how the Latino/a history can help shape tomorrow’s future leaders.Latinos Without Borders, Education, Latino/a History"Breaking Barriers and Building Our Future" Latinos Without Borders