Felter, Julie Bryant,2013-08-162013-08-161982http://hdl.handle.net/11244/4952Findings indicated the majority of employees in all of the areas desired additional training opportunities; feel they have abilities that were not being utilized in their present roles, have specific ideas about career development delivery systems that are relevant for the working individual; would participate in career development programs on and off the job if available; and expect for their career development efforts the following in order of preference: job advancement, more pay, job satisfaction, job responsibility, and employer's recognition of improved performance on the job.Contingency tables and chi square were developed from the data for the areas of: age, educational background, job category, position level, position tenure, organizational tenure and company code.In this study of career development needs and interests in the insurance industry, data were collected by questionnaire from 311 employees of four selected life insurance companies. The companies surveyed are of similar size, function, structure, geographical area, and employees have similar functions, job descriptions and backgrounds.xv, 211 leaves :Education, Adult and Continuing.Life insurance career needs and interests as evidenced by employees of selected life insurance companies.Thesis