Magruder, Kerry2015-12-242015-12-242015Kerry Magruder, "Elisabeth Hevelius: Observational Astronomer," Lynx Open Ed, 2015. Hevelius, wife of Johann Hevelius, was an astronomer in her own right. They worked together in the observatory of their Gdansk home to measure angular widths and distances with a great sextant, which required two observers at a time. The Sextant was among the new constellations they proposed in Uranographia (1690), the most detailed and influential celestial atlas of the 17th century. The Uranographia contains 54 beautiful double page engraved plates of 73 constellations, and 2 oversized folding plates of planispheres.Women in ScienceGalileo's WorldHistory of ScienceWomen's Studies.astronomyElisabeth Hevelius: Observational AstronomerLearning Object