Squires, ConstanceAbel, Robert D.2021-09-282021-09-282021(AlmaMMSId)9982788066402196https://hdl.handle.net/11244/330982REGICIDE is a Young Adult fantasy novel inspired by the works of Sarah J. Maas, Cinda Williams Chima, and Brandon Sanderson. It follows three different young adults as they struggle to come to terms with who they are versus how they present themselves in society. This novel confronts issues such as: accepting responsibility for one’s actions, how far familial bonds can stretch without breaking, preconceived notions of class, femininity in a dangerous and male-dominated slum, what it means to be strong, and how to live with weakness.Structure and pacing are some of the largest issues facing a plot driven work told from multiple viewpoints. This novel is structured based on the advice in Jessica Brody’s SAVE THE CAT! WRITES THE NOVEL. To combat the difficulties inherent in creating an enticing new story within an established genre, this work’s characters were developed and revised with Lacanian ideas of gender and sexuation in mind. REGICIDE will be an important addition to Young Adult fantasy and will contribute to the health of the genre with its infusion of new approaches and ideas.All rights reserved by the author, who has granted UCO Chambers Library the non-exclusive right to share this material in its online repositories. Contact UCO Chambers Library's Digital Initiatives Working Group at diwg@uco.edu for the permission policy on the use, reproduction or distribution of this material.Identity (Philosophical concept)Juvenile fictionResponsibilityFamiliesResilience (Personality trait)RegicideAcademic thesesFantasyMedievalNovelYoung adult(OCoLC)1269429008