Mantione, Meryl,Enrico, Eugene,Reid, Susanne Marie (pugh).2013-08-162013-08-162000 study is divided into six chapters. The first chapter establishes the parameters: the introduction, the purpose, procedures for the work, a review of the related literature and an outline of the proposed study. Chapter 2 provides biographical information about the composer, Thom Pasatieri and, through a personal interview, comments on this work. A brief biography of Lotte Lehmann's life comprises the third chapter. The fourth chapter discusses Lehmann's seven poems, including rhyme schemes, meter, and form. Pastieri's compositional style, exposed by means of four musical characteristics (repetition of words for dramatic effect, rhythmic and melodic motives, chromaticism, including polyharmony, and word painting), constitutes the fifth chapter. The concluding chapter, chapter 6, provides a summary of the document accompanied by performance application and offers suggestions for further study.This document is designed to be "A Performer's Preparation Guide, " providing groundwork for vocal recital programming of Sieben Lehmannlieder. In 1988, Thomas Pasatieri was commissioned to write a song cycle, based on the poetry of Lotte Lehmann (1888--1976), by the Music Academy of the West to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of her birth.xi, 167 leaves :Lehmann, Lotte.Pasatieri, Thomas. Lehmannlieder. History and criticism.Vocal music Performance.Music.Sieben Lehmannlieder by Thomas Pasatieri :Thesis