Peltier, CoreyWebster, Fanee2024-08-022024-08-022024 purpose of this study was to evaluate the role that certification pathway may have on the retention and attrition rates in the field of education in regard to classroom teachers. Teacher shortages are continuing to be problematic in the field of special education and with the amount of alternative certification options increasing, this study looked at whether this phenomenon is being affected by the certification pathway of special educators. A survey design was created to and dispersed to special education teachers in the state of Oklahoma. A sequential mediation model was performed with self-efficacy and burnout as the mediators. The survey design yielded 191 participants. Results showed that certification pathway is not a statistically significant indicator on the intention to leave the field. Burnout was statistically significant to self-efficacy and job satisfaction. Future research should examine the self-efficacy and burnout with more attention paid to specific domains within each area.Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Internationalcertification pathwayburnoutself-efficacyretentionALTERNATIVE PATHS, UNCONVENTIONAL STRENGTHS: THE INFLUENCE OF SELF-EFFICACY ON RETENTION RATES AMONG K-12 SPECIAL EDUCATORS IN THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA