2018-04-202018-04-202009-9FHWA-OK-09-03Oklahoma Department of Transportation State Planning and Research item 2212https://hdl.handle.net/11244/299480Roadway Weather Information System and Automatic Vehicle Location Coordination involves the development of an Inclement Weather Console that provides a new capability for the state of Oklahoma to monitor weather-related roadway conditions. The goal of this development is that motorist safety might be improved and the damage to highways and bridges caused by the application of deicing agents minimized through the use of the IWC and Decision Support Systems built upon it.17 pages627,880 bytesapplication.pdfRoadway Weather Information System and Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) Coordination (FHWA-OK-09-03 2212)Technical ReportRoad weather information systemautomatic vehicle locationintelligent transportation