Jackson, VickiJones, Alan2023-02-172023-02-172022(AlmaMMSId)9982906708302196https://shareok.org/handle/11244/337051All rights reserved by the author, who has granted UCO Chambers Library the non-exclusive right to share this material in its online repositories. Contact UCO Chambers Library's Digital Initiatives Working Group at diwg@uco.edu for the permission policy on the use, reproduction or distribution of this material.Western rat snake--Control--Environmental aspectsWestern rat snake--Home rangeWildlife relocation--Oklahoma--Oklahoma CitySpatial ecologySpatial ecology of black rat snakes (Pantherophis obsoletus) at the Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Gardens, Oklahoma City, OklahomaAcademic thesesBlack rat snakeHome rangeLocationsMovementSpatial ecologyTelemetry(OCoLC)1371056542