2018-01-262018-01-262014-1FHWA-OK-14-06Oklahoma Department of Transportation State Planning and Research item number 2251https://hdl.handle.net/11244/54326There were three primary objectives of the proposed research. The first was to establish a comprehensive landslide database, the second was to create a first- cut regional landslide map and the third was to relate safe and stable constructed slope geometry to soil type and geologic setting with site-based in-situ monitoring and modeling experiments. Accomplishing the project objectives involved collecting historical and current landslide information from around the state, as well as climate, rainfall history, geology and topography information for recorded landslide sites. From this comprehensive database, a landslide susceptibility map was derived. In addition, in situ measuring equipment was used to monitor a selected slide to verify a site-based landslide modeling system.91 pages9,779,719 bytesapplication.pdfREAL TIME MONITORING OF SLOPE STABILITY IN EASTERN OKLAHOMATechnical ReportSlopestabilitylandslidesGIShazard mapping