2018-03-012018-03-012013-3FHWA-OK-13-01Oklahoma Department of Transportation State Planning and Research item number 2226https://hdl.handle.net/11244/54459This report covers the evaluation of the Hamburg Loaded Wheel Rut Tester (OHD L-55) and the Moisture Induced Stress Tester (MIST) for field control of Oklahoma HMA mixtures. OHD L-55 was evaluated as a possible replacement for AASHTO T 283 and for suitability for field control of HMA mixtures. The MIST was evaluated for possible replacement of AASHTO T 283. OHD L-55 was not able to successfully identify mixtures that had failed AASHTO T 283 and is not recommended for replacement of AASHTO T 283 at this time. OHD L-55 does appear suitable for field control of HMA mixtures for rutting. The MIST gave similar but slightly more severe results than AASHTO T 283 and was recommended for further evaluation as a replacement for AASHTO T 283.73 pages1,073,692 bytesapplication.pdfEVALUATION OF THE HAMBURG RUT TESTER AND MOISTURE INDUCED STRESS TESTER (MIST) FOR FIELD CONTROL OF HOT MIX ASPHALT (HMA) IN OKLAHOMA (FHWA-OK-13-01 2226)Technical ReportHMAmoisture sensitivityruttingMIST