The University of Oklahoma (Norman campus)
Regular session - May 7, 2001 - 3:30 p.m. - Jacobson Faculty Hall 102
office: Jacobson Faculty Hall 206 phone: 325-6789 FAX: 325-6782
e-mail: web site:
The Faculty Senate was called to order by Professor Ruth Okediji, Chair.
PRESENT: Bemben (0), Brown (0), Crawford (3), DeBacker (1), Deming (0), Foster (2), Gollahalli (1), Greene (3), Guzman (1), Hart (1), Hawthorne (1), Hofford (1), Hutchison (1), Kenderdine (3), Kunesh (1), Lee (1), Magid (1), Mau (0), McInerney (2), Murphy (0), Nelson (1), Newman (2), Okediji (0), Ransom (2), Roegiers (2), Russell (2), Scherman (2), Schwarzkopf (0), Taylor (2), Watts (1)
Provost's office representative: Mergler
PSA representatives: Hubbard, Smith
UOSA representatives: Roberts
ABSENT: Abraham (2), Blank (3), Bozorgi (2), Cline (1), Cox (2), Dewers (2), Gilliland (4), Gottesman (3), Gross (2), Harrison (3), Henderson (2), Houser (3), Lakshmivarahan (4), Maiden (1), Robertson (3), Robson (4), Trafalis (3), Vale (3), Van Gundy (3), Vernon (2), Willinger (1)
[Note: During the period June 2000 to May 2001, the Senate held 9 regular sessions and no special sessions. The figures in parentheses above indicate the number of absences.]
Schedule of Senate meetings for fall 2001
Summary of Speakers Service program
Faculty retirees
Senate Chair's Report:
Birthday celebration for President Boren
Fitness facilities
Discrimination/harassment grievance procedure
Media contacts
Online class notes
Academic misconduct hearings
Presentation of certificates of appreciation
Election, councils/committees/boards
Election, Senate standing committees
Election, Senate Secretary and Chair-elect
Resolution of Appreciation to Prof. Ruth Okediji
The Senate Journal for the regular session of April 16, 2001 was approved.
The regular meetings of the Faculty Senate for Fall 2001 will be held at 3:30 p.m. in Jacobson Faculty Hall 102 on the following Mondays: September 10, October 8, November 12, and December 3.
Summary of the activities of the Faculty Senate Speakers Service for the past year:
From May 2000 to April 2001, 64 faculty and staff gave 175 talks to 80 organizations throughout the state. These speakers from OU gave programs to groups such as high school honors classes, business and civic clubs, and church discussion groups in 29 communities ranging from Apache to Claremore. The Faculty Senate and the University sincerely appreciate the members of the Speakers Service who share their expertise and knowledge with the people of Oklahoma.
The following faculty retired during the past academic year. The Faculty Senate thanks these faculty members for their dedication and contribution to our community. Prof. Okediji thanked Prof. Hutchison, a member of the Faculty Senate, for his work on faculty governance issues.
Beevers, Leonard |
Botany & Micro. |
5-15-01 |
30 |
Cohen, Gary |
History |
8-15-01 |
25 |
Duchon, Claude |
Meteorology |
8-15-01 |
32 |
Eliason, Stan |
Mathematics |
5-9-01 |
34 |
Frank, Larry |
English |
5-15-01 |
20 |
Hutchison, Victor |
Zoology |
6-1-01 |
31 |
James, Noland |
Art |
5-15-01 |
25 |
Kimpel, Jeff |
Meteorology |
5-6-01 |
28 |
Langenbach, Michael |
Educ. Lead. & Pol. St. |
7-21-01 |
32 |
Long, Joseph |
Law |
7-1-01 |
31 |
Moriarity, Shane |
Accounting |
12-31-00 |
24 |
Norlin, Julia |
Social Work |
6-30-01 |
31 |
Overmier, Judith |
Library & Info. Studies |
8-2-01 |
12 |
Ragan, Tillman |
Educational Psychology |
5-15-01 |
31 |
Ross, Allan |
Music |
5-15-01 |
20 |
Smith, Jay |
Educational Psychology |
5-15-01 |
25 |
Thrailkill, Gene |
Music |
6-30-01 |
30 |
SENATE CHAIR'S REPORT, by Prof. Ruth Okediji
Prof. Okediji thanked the faculty who attended President Boren’s birthday party April 20. Chair-elect Schwarzkopf represented the Senate and gave the President a pair of boxing gloves.
As reported at the last meeting, the administration is giving some attention to concerns about faculty fitness. The President has requested that some fitness/health measurement facilities, such as cholesterol and body fat testing, be provided in Huston Huffman this fall. The Senate will try to determine what else can be done until there is a more permanent solution to the question of faculty fitness.
Prof. Okediji thanked everyone who responded to the suggested changes in the harassment/discrimination grievance policy. All of the comments about the procedural changes were included in the revised document. The final version was not available in time for this meeting but is expected to be considered by the Regents sometime over the summer. The primary purpose of this set of revisions is procedural. Some faculty raised a few substantive issues that the Senate will look at in the fall.
Several faculty members contacted the Senate office about the e-mail from Provost Mergler regarding speaking to the media. (Note: This came after a faculty member had arranged for a reporter from NBC Nightly News to interview her class.) As it said in the newspaper, the policy in the Faculty Handbook limits faculty speaking to the media as a representative of the University. The suggestion to contact Public Affairs is out of courtesy. A copy of the talent release form mentioned in the newspaper article is available in the Senate office. Prof. Nelson commented that another way of looking at the situation was that the professor achieved something good for her students and there should have been some praise for that professor. Prof. Okediji replied that one of the concerns is that students have rights in terms of using their images, and the University could be held liable if a student's image is used without permission. Prof. Nelson said it would have been nice to have some balance and not just criticism. Prof. Kenderdine noted that when a faculty member invites the media into a classroom, there is an implied sense that a student has to participate. It is an issue of power. The University has a mandate to protect students in that kind of situation. Students do not always speak up when they are uncomfortable. Prof. Bill Loving (Journalism) explained that he was not a member of the Senate but teaches media law. He said the talent release form was not needed for the purpose of legitimate news. Under the First Amendment, students have both a right to speak and a right not to speak. Only if students are used for commercial purposes is the talent release form necessary. Prof. Hutchison pointed out that the situation brought to attention what has been in the Faculty Handbook for many years. Most institutions have a similar policy. It is a matter of courtesy to let members of the administration know if they might receive questions. There is no intention to suppress individual opinion unless an individual is speaking for the institution. Prof. Deming noted that another policy in the Faculty Handbook enjoins faculty from contacting the state legislature directly on matters of OU policy.
The committee formed to look into the question of on-line class notes made a preliminary report to the Senate Executive Committee. The committee looked at policies at other institutions, plans to do some more work, and will give the Senate a final report in the fall.
Prof. Okediji and the Provost's office discussed the problems faculty have encountered in academic misconduct hearings. Faculty members involved in such hearings are often caught off guard, especially when a student brings in an attorney. The University Legal Counsel’s position is that they will not necessarily help faculty unless there are particular exigencies. Therefore, the Provost’s office prepared a handout ( to give faculty a sense of how to proceed, how to prepare, potential problems, and resources for help. Prof. Okediji encouraged the senators to provide a copy to their colleagues and dean. She thanked Provost Mergler for the help of her office.
Certificates of appreciation were presented to the following outgoing senators who completed full three-year terms (1998-01): Michael Abraham, Ed Cline, David Deming, Kirby Gilliland, David Gross, Neil Houser, Greg Kunesh, Heidi Mau, Sheena Murphy, Jody Newman, Bruce Russell, and Andy Van Gundy. Certificates also were presented to the other senators whose terms expired and to the outgoing members of the Senate Executive Committee. Prof. Okediji thanked them for participating in faculty governance.
The Senate approved the Committee on Committees' nominations for end-of-the-year vacancies on university and campus councils/committees/boards ( The names of the remaining volunteers will be forwarded to the president for the appointments he makes.
The following faculty members were elected to fill vacancies on Senate standing committees:
Continuing members: Robert Cox (Political Science), Ellen Greene (Classics), S. Lakshmivarahan (Computer Science).
To replace David Etheridge (Music) and Cal Stoltenberg (Educational Psychology), 2001-04 term:
Connie Dillon (Professor of Educ. Lead. & Pol. St., B.S. Oklahoma State, M.P.A. and Ph.D. Oklahoma, at OU since 1988)
Valerie Watts (Assistant Professor of Music, B.M. Northwestern, M.M., D.M.A. Eastman School of Music, at OU since 1994)
Continuing members: Eric Anderson (Art), Michael Buckley (Management), Fred Striz (Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering).
To replace Terry Pace (Educational Psychology), 2001-04 term:
Roy Knapp (Professor of Petroleum Engineering, B.S., M.S., D.E. Kansas, at OU since 1979)
To complete James Douglas' 2000-03 term:
Aimee Franklin (Assistant Professor of Political Science, B.S. Moorhead State, M.P.A. Arizona State, Ph.D. SUNY at Albany, at OU since 1998)
Continuing members: Georgia Kosmopoulou (Economics) and Lee Willinger (Accounting).
To replace Donald Pisani (History) and Kenneth Wedel (Social Work), 2001-04 term:
David Carnevale (Associate Professor of Human Relations, B.A. Maine, Ph.D. Florida State, at OU since 1996)
Donald Pisani (Merrick Professor of History, B.A., M.A. Berkeley, Ph.D. California at Davis, at OU since 1990)
To complete Katharine Leigh's 1999-02 term:
Myron Pope (Assistant Professor of Educ. Lead. & Pol. St., B.A., M.A., Ed.D. Alabama, at OU since 2000)
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, 2001-02 term, 3 vacancies
To replace James Hart (History), Greg Kunesh (Drama), and Sheena Murphy (Physics & Astronomy):
Teresa DeBacker (Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, B.M.E, M.A., Ph.D. Nebraska, at OU since 1993)
Ellen Greene (Associate Professor of Classics, B.A. Rutgers, M.A. SUNY at Binghamton, Ph.D. California at Berkeley, at OU since 1991)
Roger Harrison (Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, B.S. Oklahoma, M.S., Ph.D. Wisconsin, at OU since 1988)
Prof. James Hart (Associate Professor of History) was selected Secretary, and Prof. Ed Cline (Professor of Mathematics) was elected Chair-elect of the Senate for 2001-02.
The Faculty Senate approved the following resolution of appreciation to Prof. Ruth Okediji, outgoing Senate Chair:
Whereas, Ruth has been an energetic and dedicated representative of the faculty during the 2000-01 academic year;
Whereas, Ruth has been a determined faculty advocate as professional partners in the academic community;
Whereas, Ruth has been a voice of reason that has turned potential confrontation into problem solving dialog;
Whereas, Ruth has been a consistent friend to students and young people in the academic community;
Whereas, Ruth has been an articulate spokesman for the Senate and consistently kept faculty informed of issues and opportunities throughout the semester;
Whereas, Ruth has always been a willing listener and counsel;
Whereas, Ruth has advanced the role of the Faculty Senate as a true partner in the University's Reach for Excellence;
Be it resolved that Ruth Okediji is commended for truly outstanding service to the University of Oklahoma as Chair of the Faculty Senate during the 2000-01 academic year.
Prof. Okediji thanked Provost Mergler for her leadership of the faculty and for taking the time to meet regularly with her. She also thanked the senators, members of the Executive Committee, and administrative coordinator Sonya Fallgatter. She said she appreciated the opportunity to serve as Chair.
Prof. Schwarzkopf presented a certificate of appreciation and an engraved clock to Prof. Okediji. He then assumed the office of 2001-02 Senate Chair. Prof. Schwarzkopf asked the faculty to call the Senate when issues come up. He said one of the valuable things the Senate can do is slow things down. The Senate should be partners with the administration, not opponents.
Prof. Schwarzkopf put together a list of issues the Faculty Senate will work on next year. Greg Kunesh will coordinate an effort to recognize state legislators who support OU. Another issue that needs to be addressed is student retention. Too many students leave in their junior and senior year. Third, the Senate will work on a redefinition of faculty and who should have representation on the Faculty Senate. He asked the senators to let him know if they want to participate in any of these activities.
The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. The next regular session of the Senate will be held at 3:30 p.m. on Monday, September 10, 2001, in Jacobson Faculty Hall 102.
Sonya Fallgatter, Administrative Coordinator
James Hart, Secretary