The University of Oklahoma (Norman campus)
Regular session - December 13, 1999 - 3:30 p.m. - Jacobson Faculty Hall 102
office: Jacobson Faculty Hall 206 phone: 325-6789 FAX: 325-6782
e-mail: web site:
The Faculty Senate was called to order by Professor Hugh Benson, Chair.
PRESENT: Agrawal, Bemben, Benson, Brown, Butler, Cline, Cox, DeBacker, Deming, Eliason, Fleener, Gilliland, Gollahalli, Greene, Gross, Harrison, Hart, Hofford, Houser, Karriker, Kennison, Knapp, Kunesh, Kutner, Mau, Nelson, Okediji, Pailes, Russell, Sutton, Trafalis, Watts
Provost's office representative: Heiser
PSA representatives: Morren
UOSA representatives: Shankle
ABSENT: Abraham, Beasley, Blank, Durica, Edwards, Engel, Horton, Kenderdine, Kudrna, McInerney, Murphy, Newman, Osisanya, Patterson, Robson, Scherman, Schwarzkopf, Swindell, Van Gundy, Weston
Spring 2000 schedule of Faculty Senate meetings
Revisions in committees
Huston Huffman Center fees
Ring committee
Remarks by Associate Athletic Director for Academic Affairs
Senate Chair's Report:
Intellectual Property Policy
Prep (dead) week
Election, councils/committees/boards
Sunset clause on Conflict of Interest Policy
The Senate Journal for the regular session of November 8, 1999, was approved.
The regular meetings of the Faculty Senate for spring 2000 will be held at 3:30 p.m. in Jacobson 102 on the following Mondays: January 10, February 14, March 20, April 10, and May 1.
President Boren approved the revisions in the Bass Memorial Scholarship Committee, Campus Security and Crimestoppers Board, and Campus Disciplinary Councils (see 11/99 Senate Journal).
The Chair of the Recreational Services Advisory Committee sent the attached memo (Appendix I) in response to the Faculty Senate concern about faculty fees at the Huston Huffman Center (see 10/99 Senate Journal).
Prof. Benson announced that the ring committee was interested in having faculty representation on the committee. The committee, composed primarily of students and Student Affairs staff, is in the process of developing one standard class ring for the University. Anyone who would like to volunteer should contact the Faculty Senate office.
Prof. Benson explained that Prof. Craig St. John (Sociology), Chair of the Athletics Council, gave a report to the Executive Committee concerning the academic affairs of the Athletic Department. The Executive Committee thought this might be something the Senate would like to hear. Dr. Gerald Gurney, Associate Athletic Director for Academic Affairs, introduced his assistant, Ms. Terri Moyer, and Prof. Dan Gibbens, the faculty athletics representative. According to NCAA rules, if a University chooses to have an athletics council, the majority of the members must be faculty. The council is advisory to the President and Athletic Department. Several reports are given to the Athletics Council each year: Academic and Student Life, Compliance, Gender Equity, and Budget. A copy of the Academic and Student Life report is available from the Senate office. The report contains information about admissions, graduation, attrition, team academic performance trends, special awards, and life skills.
Two significant events occurred in 1998-99. In fall 1998, the University was awarded the Program of Excellence Award for the nation's most innovative program that fosters academic achievement, personal development, community service, and firm commitment to intercollegiate athletics. The second major event was the dedication this fall of the academic center to Prentice Gautt, the first African-American football student-athlete to receive financial aid here.
The Athletic Department is allotted 40 slots for special admissions. This fall, 35 student-athletes were admitted under special admission. Their average GPA from high school was 2.83, average percentile ranking was 48, and average ACT was 18. Regularly admitted student-athletes averaged a 3.43 GPA, ranked in the 76th percentile, and had an average ACT of 22. Overall, student-athletes averaged a 3.11 GPA, were in the 60th percentile, and had a 20 ACT, a slight decrease from the previous two years. In comparison, the student body average GPA was 3.48 and average ACT was 25.
According to the 1999 NCAA report, which is a six-year study, 42% of the 1992-93 class of student-athletes graduated. Actually, one student who graduated at the HSC was not recorded, so the graduation rate really was 44%, compared with 46% for student body. Women tend to graduate in larger numbers than men for athletes and also for the general student body. The football African-American 1992-93 graduation rate is 40%, which is higher than the national average. None of the white football student-athletes in that class graduated. In 1992-93, there were 62 student athletes, and 30 graduated. Five went into professional sports, five are currently enrolled and completing their studies, 11 transferred to another institution, and 11 left the University. No one was suspended or left for academic reasons. Prof. Nelson asked about the students who leave. Dr. Gurney replied that students leave the University when there is a turnover in coaches of if they are not getting enough playing time. Overall, the four-year average graduation rate for student-athletes is consistent with that of the student body. OU was recognized by the National Consortium for Academics & Sports for encouraging student-athletes to complete their degrees.
Dr. Gurney then discussed team academic performance trends. Students who do well their freshmen year tend to persist at the University and ultimately graduate. In 1989, student body freshmen had an average first semester GPA of 2.42, and by 1998 the GPA had risen to 2.85. Freshmen student-athletes had a GPA of 2.19 in 1989 and gradually increased to a 3.11 by 1998. After the first year, student-athletes are less likely than the study body to be suspended from the University. In 1988, 31% of all freshmen were below a 2.0, compared to 34% of freshman student-athletes. By 1992, the percentages were 18% and 26%, respectively. For five years, beginning in 1993, the percentage of student-athletes below a 2.0 was 10%. Last year, we cut that in half. The men’s tennis team earns the highest GPA. Ten of our 16 teams earned above a 3.0. GPAs ranged from 2.60 to 3.38. Student-athletes had a GPA of 2.92 for fall 1998 and a 2.87 for spring 1999, compared to cumulative GPA of 2.92 for the student body. Overall, grades are going up. Dr. Gurney reported on the GPAs for the various teams from fall 1991 to spring 1999.
Each year, student-athletes are recognized for scholarly achievement at an awards ceremony (program available from the Senate office). In addition, several faculty members are recognized as the most inspiring professors.
The life skills and community service area focuses on helping our student-athletes learn about the world of work and personal development. Dr. Gurney summarized the types of community service activities our student athletes were involved with in 1998-99. The National Consortium for Academics & Sports awarded us a certificate for community service work. In 1998-99, 4,407 students in the Sooner Housing Center participated in a variety of educational, social, cultural, and community building programs.
Prof. Okediji said the student-athletes are concerned about being integrated back in the overall dormitory life. She asked whether the integration would hurt the academic life of the athletes. Dr. Gurney responded that the GPA for housing was lower than that for the Sooner Housing Center. However, activities that encourage integration are important for both the student body and student-athletes. Prof. Hofford asked for a comparison of our academic performance with other major universities that have programs like ours. Dr. Gurney said the first goal of academic performance is to have a similar graduation rate; student-athletes now have a graduation rate consistent with the student body. We should be doing a better job in graduating
students in general and student-athletes. Our four-year average graduation rate puts us in the middle nationally. Prof. Gross noted that two student-athletes in his class this semester were two of the best students in his class. Dr. Gurney said the report is published by the Athletic Department every year. Prof. Kutner asked whether the report was published on-line. Dr. Gurney said it is not. The report is an Athletics Council document that goes directly to the President.
The OU Regents approved the Intellectual Property Policy December 9, including the language that Professors Okediji and Kutner and Ms. Armentrout suggested for section 3.1 of the copyright policy (see 11/99 Senate Journal). The regents added a provision in section 2.1 of the patent policy that says the campus that generates the money would get 80% of the Office of Technology Development (OTD) share. Prof. Benson noted that the President had kept his promise that nothing would go before the regents that had not been passed by the Senate. Prof. Fleener asked how this would affect the distribution of revenue. Prof. Benson answered that he thought this pertained to the growth fund but did not have the text in front of him. The HSC was concerned that it would generate all the money and the Norman campus would have access. Prof. Fleener asked whether two separate funds would be established. Prof. Benson said he thought the 80% might be subject to revision.
[Note: The revision approved by the regents reads: "15% to OTD to apply to operational expenses with a pro rata share to go to the originating campus (at least 80%) Office of Technology Development."]
The student newspaper article about prep (dead) week implied that a policy is in place. Nothing is even on the table at this stage. Prof. Benson met with the student leaders and explained some of the faculty concerns. Sometime next semester, the student leaders will meet with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. Provost Mergler has indicated that nothing would happen without Senate approval.
The Senate approved the following nominations to fill vacancies on University and Campus Councils, Committees and Boards.
Academic Programs Council
To replace Walt Kelley (Mathematics), 1998-01 term: Deborah Trytten (Computer Science)
To replace Susan Postawko (Meteorology), 1997-00 term: May Yuan (Geography)
Legal Panel
To replace Maureen Weston (Law), 1998-01 term: Katheleen Guzman (Law)
(University) Libraries Committee
To replace David Durica (Zoology), 1997-00 term: Changwook Kim (Computer Science)
(University) Recreational Services Advisory Committee
To replace Maureen Weston (Law), 1998-01 term: Claren Kidd (Univ. Libraries)
The Faculty Senate Executive Committee is recommending that the sunset clause on the Conflict of Interest Policy be extended from one year to three years (section 5.10.10 of the Faculty Handbook). The policy has been extended every year with little discussion. The Senate will consider this recommendation at the January meeting.
Current language of 5.10.10: "The effective period of this Policy Regarding Conflict of Interest shall begin when duly approved by The Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma at a regular or special meeting and shall end three-hundred sixty-five (365) days thereafter unless extended or reduced by action of the Board at a regular or special meeting within said three-hundred sixty-five (365) day period."
The meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m. The next regular session of the Senate will be held at 3:30 p.m. on Monday, January 10, 2000, in Jacobson Faculty Hall 102.
Sonya Fallgatter, Administrative Coordinator
William H. Sutton, Secretary
Appendix I
The University of Oklahoma
Norman Campus
TO: Hugh Benson, Chair
Norman Campus Faculty Senate
FROM: Susan Sasso, Chair
Recreational Services Advisory Committee
SUBJECT: Faculty Senate Issues and Concerns, Fall 1999
DATE: October 28, 1999
Thank you for sharing the document, Faculty Senate Issues and Concerns, Fall 1999, with the Recreational Services Advisory Committee. We discussed the concern, "Faculty have to pay to use Huston Huffman, but students get in free." at the October meeting of the committee and request that you read this responding memo into the record of the next Faculty Senate meeting.
OU students conceptualized a student recreation center in 1968. The University broke ground in June 1979 and the 104,000 square-foot facility opened in 1981. The sources for the construction costs of $7.1 million were as follows:
1. Private Funding $3,000,000
2. State Funding $1,100,000
3. Student Funding $3,000,000
The center is shared by Health and Sports Sciences, an academic unit, and Intramural-Recreational Sports, a Student Affairs department.
In 1980 the university implemented a facility fee to pay off the debt on Huston Huffman, Goddard Health Center and Lloyd Noble Center. Students pay this facility fee each semester as part of tuition and fees. The operating budget of Huston Huffman Center is a designated amount of the facility fee. Additionally, Intramural-Recreational Services receives a portion of the Student Activity Fee. In 1993 the total facility fee increased from $24/semester to $40/semester and the increase was earmarked for repair and replacement for the three facilities funded by the bond. Huston Huffman Center receives 45 percent of these monies annually.
For FY2000, students will pay the following to operate, maintain and provide programming for the Huston Huffman Center:
Facility Fees $402,000
Student Activity Fees $298,321
Repair and Replacement $430,000
As you can see, all students, both those who use the center and those who do not, pay for the use of Huston Huffman Center each semester. Faculty and staff have the option of purchasing a membership at the center and approximately 239 individuals currently do so. The committee finds that the current faculty-staff membership fee is comparable to that of other Big 12 universities and that the faculty-staff membership plan is a good value when compared to other recreation and fitness centers in Norman.
The committee is currently pursuing the option of monthly payroll deductions for faculty and staff Huston Huffman Center memberships and hopes to have this option in place by January. Additionally, we are looking at the possibility of treating membership as a benefit that faculty and staff could purchase with pre-tax dollars. If faculty find this option an interesting one, we would welcome input as we explore the option.
Faculty members have two voting representatives on the Recreational Services Advisory Committee. Phil Lujan from the department of communication is President Boren's appointee and Maureen Weston from the college of law is your Faculty Senate appointee. Additionally, Laurette Taylor from Health and Sports Sciences serves as an ex-officio member. The committee encourages all faculty members to share input about the current facility and the expansion that is currently under consideration by OU students with their representatives.
Again, thank you for the opportunity to respond to your concerns.
cc: Recreational Services Advisory Committee
Richard Hall, Vice President for Student Affairs